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Reuters US: Latest News

Monday, September 3, 2018

Friends of a Feather

My Uncle Lou,  married for a long long time is none the less sometimes considered a “ confirmed bachelor “. It’s just because he travels a lot on business in his career. Whether it be to South America or Japan , Russia , England or even here in the US of A he’s always on the move. So since his Mrs  doesn’t travel with him , he eats out in restaurants a lot. But with all his  brilliance he still has trouble remembering the difference between a Perdue Oven Stuffer Roaster and a Perdue Oven Stuffer  Roaster Turkey. He’s an internationalist and should know that chickens are chickens and turkeys come from Turkey.  I think I’ll have to straighten  him out this Thanksgiving.  We have the same family name.  dP

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